Linux Airprint Server for iOS6 devices
After iOS6 update my Linux Airprint server does not work anymore for my iDevices. I'm referring to my previous article explaining how you can configure a linux machine as Linux Airprint Server!
Fortunately there is no change to the Airprint protocol. Ranil give us the solution (thanks a lot for your test!!)
You should add to your previous configuration .service file, into pdl section, image/urf. For example, in my file now I have:
After this your print should be visible in your local network. To completely allow print with any iOS6 application, you have to add also these two files in your cups configuration.
image/urf urf (0,UNIRAST)
image/urf application/vnd.cups-postscript 66 pdftops
Now your AirPrinter should work correctly!
Thanks a lot Ranil for your help!
Moved from comment, here the complete Jam guide to setup an AirPrint server for iOS6. Reading the commands executed in the "script" i can say that is step-by-step guide for a Fedora16/17. For a Centos/RedHat you have to change a little bit some steps.
echo “image/urf urf (0,UNIRAST)” > /usr/share/cups/mime/apple.types
echo “image/urf application/vnd.cups-postscript 66 pdftops” > /usr/share/cups/mime/local.convs
pdftops can be installed with: yum install poppler-utils
#restore SELINUX permissions
restorecon /usr/share/cups/mime/*
#restart cups (print server)
systemctl restart cups.service
#download as stated above and run it from:
cd /tmp/
mv /tmp/AirPrint-.service /etc/avahi/services/
restorecon /etc/avahi/services/
#restart the avahi service
systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service
#check the new AirPort service is running
avahi-browse --all
no avahi-browse ?, install it: yum install avahi-tools
I think you should say a big thanks to Jam for this script! ;)