Optimize Ghost for SEO - Page Title

The Ghost blogging platform does not actually have plugins (and maybe will always be this way). A thing I missing after migration is the SEO optimization for any blog post... so I stated making it by myself.

First step: change page title to respect SEO "rules". The title of any post page should also have the blog name suffix:

<title>Post title | Blog name<title>

To accomplish this in Ghost you can proceed into two different ways:

  • Personalise the default.hbs file in your theme

    <title>{{meta_title}} | {{@blog.title}}</title>
  • Change the Ghost core to provides the meta_title variable with the correct value, allowing you to change theme without losing SEO customisations. Edit the file core/server/helpers/index.js around the line 395. Following the complete code of my meta_title function:

coreHelpers.meta_title = function (options) {
    /*jslint unparam:true*/
    var title = "",

    if (_.isString(this.relativeUrl)) {
        if (!this.relativeUrl || this.relativeUrl === '/' || this.relativeUrl === '' || this.relativeUrl.match(/\/page/)) {
            blog = config.theme();
            title = blog.title;
        } else if (this.post) {
            blog = config.theme();
            title = this.post.title + ' | ' + blog.title;

    return filters.doFilter('meta_title', title).then(function (title) {
        title = title || "";
        return new hbs.handlebars.SafeString(title.trim());

In bold the code I changed.

Restart your NodeJS server and enjoy your first SEO optimization.